I recently celebrated my 2-year anniversary as a vegan!
On October 31, 2019, I stopped eating any food that comes from an animal (including meat, eggs, dairy, and fish) and filled my meals with fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes.
While most guides advocate a slow transition, that’s not what I did. Instead of gradual change, two years ago, I announced to my family that I was eliminating all animal products from my diet, that I was going vegan, right then and there.
Because I was already a pescatarian, some might say that it wasn’t that big of a deal, and maybe it wasn’t. But eggs, dairy, and fish were staples in my diet, so it seemed like a big change to me. Two years later, I have to say that it was one of the best changes I’ve ever made, and I’ve never looked back and never felt better.
But what is right for me isn’t necessarily right for you. And as a health coach, I certainly don’t advocate one way of eating or one specific diet, as I recognize that what nourishes one body is not necessarily what nourishes another. And the diet that fits one person’s preferences and lifestyle is not the one that fits another’s.
That said, practically everyone can agree that it’s a good idea to add more vegetables into your diet.
Populations that eat like modern-day Americans — lots of highly processed foods and meat, lots of added fat and sugar, lots of refined grains — suffer high rates of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. But populations that eat more traditional diets and real food with lots of fruits and vegetables don’t.
If you’ve thought that moving to a plant-based diet sounds like a great idea or just want help adding more vegetables and plants to your meals, but you don’t know where to start, don’t worry, you’re in the right place! I’ve got the tools, insight, and expertise to make the change easy and enjoyable. I can answer your questions, provide helpful advice, share the techniques you need, and recommend some delicious recipes.
Here are simple tips to help you get started whether incorporating more vegetables into your meals or switching to a fully plant-based diet.
Shift your meal proportions. Instead of having a meat entrée with a side of vegetables, fill your plate with vegetables first and have a small side of meat.
Eat vegetables as a snack with hummus, salsa, or guacamole (instead of chips)
Build a meal around a salad. Start with some fresh greens, add an assortment of other vegetables, and top with some protein.
Eat fruit for dessert. A juicy orange, a bowl full of blueberries, some frozen cherries, or a crisp apple will satisfy your craving for a sweet bite after a meal.
Eat a side salad with lunch and dinner. Whether a simple bowl of mixed greens or a fancy salad with roasted vegetables, fruit, and seeds, having a side salad will add more vegetables to your day.
Add a vegetable to the everyday meals you are already making. For example, if you make pasta with tomato sauce, defrost a bag of frozen peas or broccoli and toss it with the pasta.
Eat vegetables for breakfast. Scramble your eggs (or tofu) with some spinach, onions, and mushrooms, or top your toast with some avocado, cucumber slices, and arugula.
Want more support and guidance? I’m launching an 8-week Plant-based Nutrition Coaching Group. Each week, I’ll be providing the tools, information, and support you need to adopt a healthy, whole-food, plant-based diet. Interested in learning more? Contact me today to get on the waitlist.